
The Intern's Cloverfield Review

Roar. Any film that doesn't even last an hour and a half (did it really run 1:18.08?) but'll make you spend hours online reading about the viral marketing and message board pissing contests to try and figure out what the hell you just saw probably has something going for it. It's definitely not for everybody, but if you have nine bucks and some Dramamine, it's a guaranteed good time. There were times when I actually realized my mouth was hanging open. Yeah, there's a love story, but a monster's tearing shit up, dammit. If that's enough (why wouldn't it be?), then check it out. Or risk being the only person at work or school who will have nothing to talk about on Tuesday, because we're all tired of the Patriots.

By the way, probably the best place to start on figuring out what it's all about is at the IMDB FAQ, which reasonably smart people update quite a bit. Spoilers, though. Duh.

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