you may never come out. I simply went into the dressing room to try on a t-shirt and the next thing I know...a female sales associate that uses the word "bro" starts throwing jeans and other shirts over the dressing room door insisting that I try them on. I couldn't help myself with the first rate service so I tried it on however I only ended up getting what I went in there with. So this leads me to believe two things: A. I should just stay away from the Buckle like my instincts to me to.. B. Laura (the sales associate) doesn't know shit about what I like.
What up, JB, dawg. The Buckle -- man, that's tight, dawg.
Mistake #1 you went into The Buckle...didn't we raise you any better...the people that work there are always crazy...they won't hire you if your not.
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