besides the family, friends and health bit we are all thankful for..I have a few that I would like to add to the list.

#1 Hayden Panettiere: She has never been named a Hott Tamale for one simple reason. She is above that matter how hot Winnie Cooper may be...she is not on the level of HP. So thank you Ms. Panettiere..thank you!

#2 Red Wine: Especially on my pants.

#3 The Internet: 9one has been a lot of fun and we couldn't have done it without that world wide web of hate and devil porn.

#4. Martini Italian Bistro SALADS: I love them and it is probably my favorite restaurant in Louisville....probably.
I'm thankful for I love New York and Shot at Love with Tila Tequila.....entertainment for the ages and the Cos.
I said "holy fuck" outloud when the page loaded up and I saw that picture of Hayden, so yeah, I'm thankful for her, too!
I'm thankful for new Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job! episodes and Lily Allen, Maja Ivarsson and Lindsay Lohan.
Martini's salads ARE awesome!!!!!
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