So yesterday morning I decided to take advantage of a late working shift and numerous sales to try and snap up some new clothes on the cheap. At Dillard's, I found a nice wool coat that had been marked down--but it was still a pricey wool coat. As it was the morning after Christmas, I hadn't shaved in a few days or showered that day before I went in there.
So I try on the coat, decide I like it, and go to the nearest checkout station. A woman in her 50s takes the coat and rings me up. Before I pay for it, though, she looks at the coat, looks at me, then looks back at the coat.
Woman (holding up tag): "You know this is the price, right? This is how much it costs."
It was about 30 seconds later that I realized I should have been really offended.
I thought we beat all this when we elected Obama.
You are doesn't apply to you.
Please enclose picture of said coat.
Proper response: "You know you work at Dillard's in the mall, right?"
ooohhhh yeah .. Dunnski just served
Dunnski's line is sooooo good. But I always think of these after the fact. NEWMAN!!!
Dunnski goes for the BURN!
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