
I raided Tugg's photo album and here are the goods

This would be Tugg as the McLovin....Tugg you don't look a day over 17.

What looks like a last known photo of these people is actually a day on the job for Scott and I at our local Subway. In case you don't know and I'm sure you don't we are the hard workers on in the beach chairs. I look to have a 10 gallon Western Kentucky University hat on my head. Let's count how many violations between the both of us, that we are breaking...ok..nevermind..atleast we always wash our hands.


hellbound said...

Well at least we arent holding St. Ides or as we called it thug passion bottles.......


YESH said...

True very true...just wait 15 minutes and I'm sure they would have been brought out.

Nicknameless said...

I have to ask what year this was. Why do you all look like babies? It's adorable - really.