
Have your Anthony Bourdain Steve Brown...I'll take Giada!

Color TV Tonight: Giada's Weekend Getaways 9:30pm EST Food: Giada is headed to Vegas, so Giada combined with Vegas seems very close to the perfect TV watching experience.

On the Lot 8pm EST Fox: Jason Epperson from Winchester, KY is one of the two finalists for the $1 Million dollar contract with Dreamwork Pictures. I've been rooting for the home state kid for the entire season and he has overwhelming been the favorite of the viewing audience. By just looking at Jason he really looks like a D-Bag with his sideways hat and such..however seems like a good person, so good luck.All Access : "Awesomely Ridiculous Celebrity Moments" 8pm EST VH1: If I worked for VH1 I would go into the office building each day with a paper sack on my head reading "Shamed." I wonder if they have a guy that just sits around thinking of adjectives for their celebrity shows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Libbs was from winchester...so she was prolly finger-banged by this hot guy...totally. But I'm not still bitter. nope.