
Bowling Green kids play Letterman .. lead vocal has seizure in doing so

I saw these guys in their last Bowling Green appearance but it was a Tidballs (Represented on the tall guy's t-shirt) and watching a show at Tidballs is like inviting 200 chain smoking strangers into a small bathroom. But seriously good to see hometown guys do well.


Anonymous said...

It was pretty cool to hear Dave say "from Bowling Green, KY". I had no idea someboy local was going to be on. I about shit! I decided against it, though

Smokin' Joe said...

Now that we have Democrats in control maybe someone can get the lead singer some stem-cell therapy for whatever strange affliction he seems to have contracted.

Chris said...

I'm digging the Tidball's shirt as well... I'm thinking I should get one... FROM WORK! ;)