
Stay Classy Derby Infield

Here are some valuable tips for those brave enough to enter the thunderdome on Saturday. I'm talking to you Ryan the Intern.

From: Derbyman
Date: Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: More Derby Info
To: Other Derby men

they haven’t allowed coolers in for a few years. this year I am planning to take alcohol in though. I have never done it before but after everytime I’ve gone through security there I think of all the things I could’ve gotten through. My plan is to take small, plastic half pint bottles of bourbon in duct taped to the bottom of a fold up camp chair. I figure even if I have to take the chair out, they won’t look underneath the seat. And if they do I’m out 3 bucks.

Other common practices are to put liquor in ziplock bags taped to your body (or in your bra if your’re a chick reading this). the other day I heard of one dude who walked in carrying a pint of whiskey. When told he couldn’t bring it in he chugged it all right in front of security and continued walking through. Turns out it was iced tea in the bottle and he had the “real alcohol” in his pockets but wasn’t searched after his display. Via The Foggy Monocle

Here is just a random image of a infield fight. Looks like the skins are winning.

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