
Best 18 bucks I ever spent

Yesterday the ants arrived for my Antworks ant farm that I ordered a few weeks ago. I dumped the ants in there, named the farm Xantadu and watched 'em go to work. Some highlights:

+ I opened the lid to take out some dead ones and the bastards made a break for it. Three got out. I quickly killed two and the other one came back a few hours later and was returned. No one escapes from Xantadu and lives.

+ It seems obvious, but these ants can dig. It's been about 24 hours and already they've got four tunnels, two of which already have a circuitous route.

+ They work in shifts. Half of them work and half of them rest in the middle, not moving in a pack. They have jobs, too; some dig, others take away the gel and deposit it topside.

Here's a video of the farm I have, 10 days compressed into 40 seconds:
I am way too excited about this.


BekPoH said...

Oooooo...I want one.

Anonymous said...

i've just got this one at innovatoys.com...it's $19.95