
This island is doing strange things to me

Like my bum shoulder is not such of a bum anymore.

10:00AM - Saw a tranny hooker on the way to the restaurant.

10:05AM - Dropped off tranny hooker ... haha not really .. seriously not really.

10:45AM - Great food

12:00PM - Beach Party, where are my rollerskates and radio head phones when I need them.


Anonymous said...

ok...my obsession with figuring out this game is taking over my life.

i'm gonna take a guess at what this all means.

Josh is trying to tell us something about being gay...

or maybe that he IS gay. i don't know.

the only new clue i picked up was that he went from a shirt with sleeves, to a shirt with no sleeves, and he is talking about some creature called a "boogie boarder".

Downtown SteveBrown said...

I just know that he's in a better place than me...Richmond, VA isn't fun.

Anonymous said...

A big hearty fuck you, Josh.