
Things that I've already done in 2008 that I'm ashamed of

-I got a spray tan
-I watched an episode of Gossip Girl
-I stole a slice of cheese from the fridge at work .. I think it was the last slice.
-I Googled myself
-I hid the last Coke Zero so Jennie wouldn't get it
-I haven't seen Rambo
-I filmed a sleeping woman with big boobs at the airport on ichat for Graham's enjoyment
-I read prowrestling news during my lunch break.
-I know what's going on in Britney's life more than my family's
-I watched 20 minutes of Larry The Cable guy's Health Inspector movie .. it sucked me in like a good Charles Bronson movie


Anonymous said...

Which episode of Gossip Girl? Actually doesn't matter they all ROCK! Did you like it?

Anonymous said...

I will never tell

Anonymous said...

omg...i watched the cablefag movie too...with u !!1!!1

Anonymous said...

Coke Zero is my favorite!!!!!!!!

Downtown SteveBrown said...

What's wrong with hiding Coke Zero from Jennie?

Casey Kasem said...

Spray tan.....seriously....spray tan.
and the 2008 Gay of the Year is.....do I have to say it?.....uh I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings...but...you know who you are.