
Hott Tamale of the Day: Erin Toughhill

She's a pro MMA fighter and Razor Rob's boxing trainer. Hurts my damn heart.

Ichat conversation about Erin Toughhill
Graham: shes huge
JoshK: can you imagine what she would do to you in the bedroom
Graham: f*cking death
JoshK: it would be a nice way to go
Graham: you would not be able to get out of bed the next day
so make sure that shit is on a saturday
JoshK: or you got some sick days at work
Graham: icy hot all over the scrote


BekPoH said...

IChat conversation of the century! Icy Hot all over the scrote after a hard days night...nicsh!

Anonymous said...

Bekpo....YOU HAVE a blogger profile...nicsh!

Anonymous said...

there was a piece left out of this conversation:

graham: so are we still on for this weekend?

josh: yes

graham: Beckpo is mine.

Anonymous said...

Conversation at Apt. Left:

Casey: Check out the last comment on the hot tamale post...

[BekPo peruses the post]

BekPo: Too bad I forgot to pick up my Valtrex Rx.

Steph G: Maybe icy hot works for that too.