When I think back on my life...I've made a few mistakes...however near the top of the list would be putting my life in the hands of the gentlemen below. Back in 2001 Downtown Steve Brown and I was trained to be "pro" wrestlers at Mid-South Championship wrestling and it was by far the most painful experience of my life...I don't understand where my rational thinking went to...I allowed 350 lbs grown ass dudes to chop me in the chest until I bled. (Although I was bleeding cool) Anyway here are a few of the gents that I had the honor of sharing the ring with. And when I say gents..I mean sleezy assholes...except Cowboy Bud..he was cool.

JW Wildfire. He's a skank.

The Redneck Outlaw Otis Bass powerslammed me so hard I could taste my ass. For that Otis I don't like you.

The Heart Throb Kid Kirk Patrick...I don't know who he is..but that shizz is funny. P.S. I want his shirt.
1 comment:
You wrestled Speed who Wrestled JW Wildfire who wrestled Val Venis in a dark match who wrestled Stone Cold Steve Austin. So in essence you wrestled the Rattlesnake.
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