Hello everyone, I thought I should let everyone know that I am taking a leave of absence from the 91* blog for a little while. I'm not for sure how long I will be out but I have some big projects that I really need to dedicate a lot of my time to. With that said, new editor Ryan The Intern, Graham, Cootsdaddy, Buckydent will keep you all with belly fulls of laughter as the 91* will be fully up and running with those talented guys at the helm. Also to help those gentleman out Downtown Steve Brown will be contributing with his wonderful wit and deep insights.
Special thanks to all of the readers that have jumped on board since we started this thing in June. I personally have had a blast doing the blog and promise to be back when I can. Thanks again and keep reading!
The best way through it is through it. Lace'em up and take it straight up the middle. I'm sure you'll be back soon.
Sooner rather than later. :-(
Noooooooooooooo!!! This is my fault isn't it, because I called your cat a homo? Yesh...I miss you already!
Bah you insulted the pussy Bek now you must Die!!!!!
Is it because of the writers strike?????
Hurry back now, ya hear!!
I'll get the shark ready.
Did you bring your water ski's guys?
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