
Taco Bell encounter

I was running late for a shoot at Cootsdaddy's house last night and hadn't had dinner so I cheated on my meal plan and decided on a quick drive-thru run at Taco Bell. As I pulled up to the window this is how the conversation went.

Taco Bell Employee: (Looks at my Tutta Bella hat) So ... Tutta Bella .. does that mean Taco Bell in Spanish?

Me: (Stunned) No .. I think "taco" means "taco" in Spanish.

Taco Bell Employee: (Looks dazed) Oh ...

Me: (I point to my hat and start to explain what it is but just grab my tacos and drive off.)

* Tutta Bella is an Neapolitan Pizzeria in Seattle.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Josh...I don't want to alarm you, but in that picture, there's a Geico Caveman behind you!

Shawn Coots said...

And this caveman is gonna eat your lunch, Bryan-man.