So I hit the Kentucky Flea Market today in Louisville, looking for the normal assortment of Confederate flag belt buckles, goat milk soaps and gutter cleaning systems. I kid. I was looking for diabetic socks. Double kidding. Ok. Moving on.
While I was there, I saw two things that made me wonder where America's headed. First up:
The "Tidy Taco." It looks like someone put diarrhea in a waffle cone. Even in the glamour shot it looks like ass. Do we really need this? And aren't ice cream cones pretty damn messy in their own right? I just hope they wrap some napkins around that sonofabitch because I'm spilling beef all over the floor one bite in.
Number two: dogs in strollers. I just chalked up first one I saw to some barren nutjob, but then I saw two more, including one in a freaking sweater. Sigh. Maybe the dogs couldn't be left alone in the house, in which case...I dunno, if you're gonna go get a stroller and cart 'em around like a baby you could probably just leave them at home and throw a diaper on. Irony of ironies: I saw some kids with leashes, but these dogs didn't have any. U-S-A! U-S-A!
(And I almost bought a copy of Song of the South but found it online instead. Disney won't care.)
Online Vs Fleamarket???
Fleamarket all the way baby!!!
Always a better story when you fight off a guy with one arm and a lady with a poodle in a stroller for South Park on laser disc.
Fleamarket is a win win win.
btw I have the Song of the South record from Disney if you want to complete the combo.
That's tempting. Do you have Parappa the Rapper? 'Cause that's what I was jonsin' for.
Ryan, I've got a copy of "Pavaratti Sings on the Crapper". If that's close enough, I'll trade ya' for one of those Tidy Tacos.
Rick, that's not really what I was looking for, but I'm intrigued anyway. And if you eat a Tidy Taco, I have a feeling you're gonna need toilet-related music a lot more than I will.
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