
Wal-Mart FTW

Athens, Ohio isn't close to a whole hell of a lot. We have one Wal-Mart, one Kroger and a whole lot of good marijuana, apparently (that's the local alt-weekly; "Here's your weed primer, freshmen!"). We're close to West Virginia and past Kentucky, so imagine the surprise when the one Wal-Mart here had stacks and stacks of this:

Sitting right next to the WWE ATTITUDE drinks, which were frankly so full of themselves that I found them rather abrasive.


YESH said...

So what you're saying is...you live in Canada.

Anonymous said...

That shit was everywhere when I was going to EKU, hated it!

Anonymous said...

What did you say Ohio had a shit load of?! Damn I wish I had know when I was in Ohio last time. Why don't you come visit and bring some of that shit load of stuff you have....
