
10 Questions with Paul Scheer

If you are general reader of 91* you know that the word "D-BAG" is a very influential word around here, well the Godfather of that term is one Mr. Paul Scheer. In the movie "Blackballed: The Story of Bobby Dukes" Paul's character Lenny Pear stated that the other paintballers called him D-Bag which he thought stood for 'Dudebag' well that really struck a cord with me and the term D-Bag has been very high in my stable of vocabulary ever since. You may know Paul from Best Week Ever, Upright Citizens Brigade or his hit MTV show Human Giant, however it will be Lenny Pear that shaped the past, present and future of 9one.blogspot.com.

The new season of Human Giant premieres January 14, 2008 so be sure to check it and wreck it (Feel it Feel it..Feel the vibrations). I want to thank Paul again for granting us the interview so without any further ado Paul Scheer.

1.What is your favorite word? -Ventriloquism
2. What is your least favorite word? -Tarnation
3. What turns you on? -Candy in the shaper of Cell Phones
4.What turns you off? -Steve Guttenberg in Short Circuit
5. What is your favorite curse word? -Douchebag
6.What sound or noise do you love? -young children cursing
7.What sound or noise do you hate? -The sound of a truck hitting a deer
8.What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? -Professional/Competatitve Beard Grower
9.What profession would you not like to attempt? -The dude who has to sign those Cabbage Patch Kids Asses
10.If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
-Let's Do This!


Shawn Coots said...

9one has just arrived, complete with celeb status. I'm going to try to get an "On the Scene" report with whatever celeb I can find trolling around on Robertson Drive this weekend.

Anonymous said...


My biggest LOL was the "Let's do this!"