

Heroes Season Premiere

Josh reviewed this already, but I had a few things to add. I liked the premiere, feeling the good outweighed the bad, and that there might be some interesting developments on the horizon.

1. Nathan is alive, and has a bad ass beard. I am glad they didn't kill him off.
2. New Villian Kane wastes no time getting down to the killing. Although I'm going to miss Hiro's daddy.
3. Bennet threatens his manager with Judo moves. Good to see he's not taking any shit from upper management.
4. Parkman's character is much improved. I hated him last season, but now he's free of that annoying wife of his. What happened to the kid though. Speaking of that, Nathan's wife is gone too? I'm sensing a theme.
5. Most importantly, they're begining to unravel some of the deeper mysteries from season one, such as the first generation of heroes and what they were up to.

1. Those two mexican characters on the run? Not interested. Yeah, I get it, she's a walking plauge, big deal.
2. The new company guy makes spoons turn into gold, and isn't the least bit scary. Mistake.
3. Angela Petrelli. Yep, still a bitch. I hope she spills some beans before Kane knocks her ass off the building.
4. Could they get some new sets? Rooftop of the Devroux building and that Kirby Plaza sculpture is getting a bit tired.

1. West. What a shitty character. He flies, but so does Nathan. His dialog is annoying and apparently he's stalkerish. My stomach cringes at the thought of a make out scene between him and Claire.
2. Hiro in a period piece, seperated from the rest of the cast. I hate period pieces. Although this one will be important, because you can bet your sweet ass that Takense is not what he appears to be.
3. Peter has amnesia? L A M E.


Anonymous said...

Great review....much better than my lame ASS attempt..hahahahah...did you get what I did there...hahahahahhahahahhah

Shawn Coots said...

hahaha, nice callback.

Tugg said...

I must've seen a different episode than you guys, 'cause I thought it all was terrific. You can't have action-packed, tons of story revealed eps everytime, you've gotta have the story building eps, too. I love Hiro's story right now, very intrigued to see where it's going.
The new company guy isn't supposed to be scary, he's a recruiter, why would have a scary guy recruiting for you? I'm with you on West, though. Too big of a coincidence that he's got super powers, too.

Shawn Coots said...

Don't get me wrong, I loved the episode. I agree that you can't always have non stop action and that this episode is building up for what's to come. I just thought that the tag of Good.Bad.Ugly would make for a good repeat column title, so I was trying to come up with the latter two. I'm sure the Hiro storyline will go somewhere soon, but I still am not a fan of him being seperated from the herd.

Tugg said...

I agree about him being seperated, kinda sucks, but I don't see it lasting more than a few episodes, because most people will probably be of the same mindset. I like it because it's a little different, and has potential to finally see Hiro learn to become the badass future-Hiro we've seen a few glimpes of.
And yeah, that is a good title :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my bad...I didn't watch Heroes last night..I accidentally watched Gossip Girl