
10 Questions with Josh Hampton

First off thanks for all of you that have responded..I really am blown away how many interviews I got back in one day. Thanks so much. Today we are going to look into the mind of Josh Hampton or Hamptonio Bandana as I like to call my friend. Hampton and I basically lived together for a year inside an office building in beautiful downtown Glasgow, KY. We worked downstairs and lived upstairs...and never once did we threaten physical violence...maybe once or twice to customers of the newspaper but never to each other. So without further ado Josh Hampton.

1) What is your favorite word? A: Favorite
2) What is your least favorite word? A: Least
3) What turns you on? A: Coffee and cocaine
4) What turns you off? A: Clowns and spiders5) What is your favorite curse word? A: HodDamnit
6) What sound or noise do you love? A: Urine hitting the toilet
7) What sound or noise do you hate? A: Piss hitting the floor
8) What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
A: Texan Cult Leader
9) What profession would you not like to attempt?
A: Porn Star – I've got a little pp

10) If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? A: "Congrats you made it and here is the 3 buck$... I hope you remembered my smokes...?"

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