
Asshole of the Day: This DBAG can't make this girl moan

This qualifies as Asshole of the Day as well as DBAG of the moment. Adam Levine of a band I'm sure you hear to much on the radio is happy to be having sex and telling all about it. Levine discussed to the Sun about his sexual misadventures with hot hot hot Japan HOT Maria Sharapova as he stated;
He said, "She wouldn’t make any noise during sex. I can't tell you how disappointed I was. I really thought, like a lot of guys, that she'd be the loud screaming type.
"But instead, she just lay there like a dead frog. She even got angry if I started to moan, said it 'ruined her concentration'."
Have you had sex with a dead frog Adam Levine..I think that's the real headline here. This is simple..I look at Adam Levine and I can't see anyway in the pizza planet that he could make a woman like Sharapova moan. I'm still mystified that he had sex with a goddess such as her. To all of the young men growing up..please pick up a guitar and learn to play and look at the otherwise out of reach poon that you would be able to score.

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