
Seinfield: What is the deal?

The whole sporting world is going to shit, or atleast that is what you will see if you watch ESPN. I don't know exactly when they quit reporting about the games and just started playing 20 minute Jeremy Schaap (who by the way has a long way to go before he is as good as his dad) pieces about the latest scandal. Most of them are related to either gambling, steroids, the occasional dog fight or typical family murder. None of these guys even have a chance because ESPN convicts them within the first fifteen minutes of Sportscenter. (Exception Benoit..who kinda sorta convicted himself) I remember when the downer of Sportscenter would be watching a highlight of your favorite player getting hurt..now your subjected to dogs killing one another and your daily mugshots of Pacman or you name the Bengal. THEN there are steroids..myself as a fan of all sports..I could really care less about who is on them or not on them..and is a total waste of my time. ESPN...you've changed..I don't even know you anymore.

BTW: That ESPN "Who's more now" segment is SHITFEST 2007

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