
Asshole of the Day

Well its Friday the 13th so naturally the Ahole of the day would be Jason Voorhees because you know..he didn't retire in his prime. The Evander Holyfield of slasher films Jason should have stayed dead in 1988 after part seven The New Blood..but no he has to go and Take Manhattan. Since then he has went to hell and space but nothing has restored the glory except for the exhibition fight with Nightmare on Elm Street's Freddy Krueger which I think was a draw.

Color TV Tonight: Just leave it off and go have dinner, a drink and a walk.


Ryan The Intern said...

Josh. You're half right. Turn off the TV, yes, but make sure to go to bed at about 7:30, get your rest in for...HOMEARAMA 2007.

I took two straight weeks off my jobs so I can fully experience what this truly historic event has to offer.

Gypsydoodlebug said...
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